
Compass Metal Geometry

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Type:Metal geometry


  1. Ruler: A flat metal tool used for measuring length or distance.
  2. Protractor: A circular metal tool used for measuring angles.
  3. Compass: A metal tool used for drawing circles and arcs with a precise radius.
  4. Triangle: A metal tool used for drawing straight lines and measuring angles.
  5. Set square: A metal tool used for drawing perpendicular or angled lines.
  6. Divider: A metal tool used for dividing lengths into equal parts.
  7. Vernier caliper: A metal tool used for measuring length, thickness, and diameter.
  8. Angle gauge: A metal tool used for measuring angles between surfaces.
  9. Center punch: A metal tool used for marking the center of a point on a metal surface.
  10. Scriber: A metal tool used for marking lines on metal surfaces.
  11. Surface gauge: A metal tool used for measuring the height and flatness of a surface.
  12. Thread gauge: A metal tool used for measuring the diameter and pitch of screws and bolts.
  13. Feeler gauge: A metal tool used for measuring gaps and clearances between parts.
  14. Machinist square: A metal tool used for checking right angles and measuring lengths.
  15. Depth gauge: A metal tool used for measuring depths and distances.
  16. Height gauge: A metal tool used for measuring heights and distances.
  17. Micrometer: A metal tool used for measuring small distances and thicknesses with high accuracy.

These are just a few examples of the metal geometry tools that may be included in a set. The specific contents of a set may vary depending on the manufacturer and intended use.


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