
Glass Cleaner

Original price was: ₨500.00.Current price is: ₨480.00.

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  • Formulation: Glass cleaners typically come in liquid form and are available in various formulations. Some cleaners may contain ammonia, while others are ammonia-free. The ammonia-based ones are generally more effective at cutting through grease and stubborn stains, but they may not be suitable for certain coated or tinted glass surfaces.
  • Application: Glass cleaners are applied directly to the glass surface or sprayed onto a lint-free cloth or paper towel before wiping the glass. They are designed for easy application and quick drying.
  • Streak-Free: A key feature of a good glass cleaner is that it leaves surfaces streak-free after cleaning, ensuring a crystal-clear appearance.
  • Multi-Surface Use: Many glass cleaners can also be used on other non-porous surfaces, such as stainless steel, chrome, and ceramic tiles.

Purpose: Glass Cleaner is specifically intended for cleaning glass surfaces, including windows, mirrors, glass doors, glass tables, and glass partitions.


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