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Gum Stick Rabbit 21 Gm

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  • Weight: The total weight of the gum stick is 21 grams. This weight includes both the gum and any packaging.
  • Flavors: Chewing gum comes in various flavors, such as mint, fruit, bubblegum, spearmint, cinnamon, and more, offering a wide range of taste options to consumers.
  • Sugar Content: Gum sticks may be available in both sugared and sugar-free options. Sugar-free gum uses artificial sweeteners to provide sweetness without adding sugar.
  • Packaging: Gum sticks are often packed in a wrapper to protect the gum and maintain its freshness.

Form: The Gum Stick is usually available in stick or rectangular form. It may come individually wrapped or as part of a pack containing multiple sticks.


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